We hope Paul Marsh will recover after today's surgery. The Range Rover of Howard Bennett and Ann Seymour has broken down (again!) and they hope to see us in Rio.
We had a long wet drive along the coast to Florianopolis. Many of the lorries were throwing up a lot of spray and we could not see much of the surrounding scenery. It became much more tropical and lush with many banana trees. Florianopolis is on the island of Santa Catarina and is reached by a bridge. It is a busy holiday area, although it is not high season at the moment. Our resort, Costao do Santinho, is away from the built-up area and is quite pleasant.
It would be nicer still in the sun! We are in a good- sized flat, because they originally put Colin in with us, and then moved him to a brand-new building. He has a wonderful room overlooking the sea and is in the same block as Clay Regazzoni. There was a so-called "cocktail party" put on by HERO and the hotel, but there was only beer. We went out in a bus with about 10 others to a beachside fish restaurant and came back quite late.
Total distance 324 miles.